Board of Trustees & Elections

The Benbrook Public Library is governed by a five-member board of trustees. This board is elected by you, the voters of Benbrook. Each trustee is elected for a two-year term. The terms are staggered so there is a Library Board election each year. Library trustees must be residents of Benbrook and registered voters. 

The Benbrook Library District Board of Trustees meets monthly, usually on the fourth Monday, at 5:30 p.m. These meetings are open to the public, and we invite you to attend. You can find information regarding public comments at the meetings here.

The agenda is posted on the library's bulletin board and website at least three days prior to each meeting.  The minutes from our past meetings can be found in our archives.

Current Board of Trustees Members

Carol Hafer

Carol Hafer was originally elected to the Board of Trustees from 2012-2018 and re-elected in 2019.  Since 2010 Carol has been the District Library Media Specialist supervising Secondary School libraries in Crowley ISD.  Previously she was an elementary and intermediate librarian for CISD.  Carol serves as Chair of the Texas Library Association’s Topaz Nonfiction Reading List Committee and is a member of other state committees.  She is active in her church, serving on committees and teaching Sunday School.  But most important are her activities with her 8 beautiful and intelligent grandchildren! Carol Hafer is currently serving 2023 – 2024.

Rachel Moore

Rachel Moore was elected to the Board in 2015. Rachel has resided in Benbrook with her husband, Randal, since 2012. They have two young children who love participating in the library’s numerous activities. Rachel has a B.S. from Clemson University and a J.D. from Texas A&M University School of Law.  She has a passion for educating small business owners about intellectual property rights, and currently practices small business and employment law in Fort Worth. In her very limited spare time, she is also a freelance writer and editor. Rachel Moore is currently serving 2023-2024.

Larry Vickers

Larry Vickers was elected to the Library Board in 2018.  He was Manager of Support Services in the Housing & Dining Dept. of Texas Tech University for many years.  He moved to Benbrook in 2005 while working as Branch Operations & Client Service Manager for AXA Advisors. 
He holds degrees in Economics and Hotel & Restaurant Administration from Oklahoma State University.  Larry and his wife Patty have one daughter. Larry is the Investment Officer for the Library Board of Trustees. Larry Vickers is currently serving 2023-2024.

Christina Watson

Christina Watson was elected to the Board in 2021. Christina has resided in Benbrook for the better part of the last 12 years. She is married and has 2 small children who share her joy for reading. Christina has an education degree from Texas A&M University-Kingsville. She has been an elementary school teacher and sharing her love of reading with her students in Benbrook for 10 years before stepping away to focus on her own children. During her free time, she loves serving on the library board as well as the PTA board for Benbrook Elementary. Christina Watson is currently serving 2023-2024. 

Tammi Cauthen

Tammi Cauthen has worked in community banking for over 40 years. Tammi has worked for Pinnacle Bank since 2005, as the Branch President of Benbrook, and has recently started working in the newly opened Granbury market. Tammi's focus is in commercial and real estate lending. She has become a community leader in both markets, volunteering with multiple organizations, including  Granbury Optimism Club, Granbury Chamber of Commerce, Hood County Builders Association, Benbrook Ambassadors Club, Benbrook Area Chamber of Commerce, Benbrook Fire Fighters Association Annual Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Claus, Fort Worth ISD Citizen Oversight Committee and American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Tammi has lived in the Benbrook Community since 1993.  When Tammi is not busy with all her activities, she enjoys spending time with her husband and 2 children. Tammi Cauthen is currently serving 2023-2024.

Election / Elección

TRUSTEES AND TERM EXPIRATION / Oficiales electos y año en que expira el mandato

  • Carol Hafer Nov. 2025
  • Rachel Moore Nov. 2025
  • Tammi Cauthen Nov. 2025
  • Larry Vickers Nov. 2024
  • Christina Watson Nov. 2024

DATE OF NEXT ELECTION / Fecha de la Próxima Elección  

November 5, 2024 / 5 de Noviembre 2024

LOCATION OF NEXT ELECTION / Ubicación de la Próxima Elección  

We hold our election in conjunction with Tarrant County. Please refer to Order of Election when posted.

Realizamos nuestra elección en conjunto con el condado de Tarrant. Consulte la Orden de elección cuando se publique.

DEADLINE TO FILE AN APPLICATION FOR A PLACE ON THE BALLOT / Fecha Límite Para Presentar la Solicitud de Candidato 

August 19, 2024 / 19 Agosto 2024

  • Notice of Deadline to File an Application for a Place on the Ballot
  • Aviso de Fecha Límite Para Presentar una Solicitud Para un Lugar en la Boleta


CANDIDATE ELIGIBIITY REQUIREMENTS  / Requisitos de Elegibilidad del Candidato  

Candidates for election must have resided within the Benbrook Library District for at least 12 months, must be 18 years of age before the election, must be registered to vote, and must comply with other qualifications for holding public office as outlined in Election Code 141.001. The Secretary of State website has more information about political subdivision candidacy.

Los candidatos para la elección deben haber residido en el Distrito de Bibliotecas Benbrook durante al menos 12 meses, deben tener 18 años de edad antes de la elección, deben estar registrados para votar y deben cumplir con otros requisitos para ocupar un cargo público como se describe en el código electoral 141.001.  El sitio web del Secretario de Estado tiene más información sobre la candidatura de subdivisión política.

APPLICATION  / Solicitud de Inscripción

Applications for 2024 are accepted from July 20, 2024 through August 19, 2024. Signed and notarized applications may be filed at

  • Benbrook Library District, 1065 Mercedes St., Benbrook, TX 76126

during the hours of 10 am-5 pm, Monday-Saturday, except holidays. Signed and notarized applications may also be sent by mail or emailed ( and must be received by August 19, 2024.

Las solicitudes para 2024 se aceptan desde el 20 de Julio de 2024 hasta el 19 de Agosto de 2024. Las solicitudes firmadas y notariadas se pueden presentar en

  • Benbrook Library District, 1065 Mercedes St., Benbrook, TX 76126

El horario de atención de la biblioteca es 10am-5pm, Lunes-Viernes, excepto díasfestivos. Las solicitudes firmadas y notariadas también se pueden enviar por correo postal o por correo electrónico ( y debe ser recibido antes del 19 de agosto 2024.

Candidates for Member, Board of Trustees

Coming soon!